Monday, August 16, 2010

How to make the relationship work when your girlfriend is super controlling and pregnant with your child?

I've been in a relationship with this girl for one year now. At first things were easy for us both, but around the four month mark, she began to become very jealous of many of my friends and family. She didn't like me being friends with other women, despite most of them have been my friend since high school. She also didn't like me hanging out with the guys because of fear that I would be influenced to cheat on her. She felt like I was paying more attention to my friends and not focusing all of my attention on her, so I did what she asked and stopped hanging out with this people and spent more time with her. Things started getting really crazy when she would begin to tell me I wasn't allowed to go near my friends at all and that she didn't want me to see my family anymore because they didn't like her or approve of her. I really blame myself for allowing it to get it bad as it did, because things got worse. My family would have dinners on Thanksgiving and Christmas even birthdays, I would always want to go but be in fear of losing my girlfriend if i did, so i would always give some lame excuse to my family about why I couldn't come, I didn't want them to know it was because of her. Weeks went by and she began to have a problem with me attending my home church because I had some female friends who attended there, so once again in fear of us breaking up I stopped attending that church. Months went by and she would always make me feel guilty for doing things that I really didn't see anything wrong with. Like attending a classmates funeral or If I would speak to a female in public she would begin to make scenes and it became really embarassing for me. Those actions costed me a job, she began to think for some reason that I was cheating on her when I went to work, so one day she followed me to work. I used to work in retail so ofcourse I would have to interact with customers, she had seen me assisting a customer on that day and began to yell at the customer verbally threatening her...needless to say I was fired from my job because of that. After that I began to resent her, because I felt like I had done all of these things that most people wouldn't do in hopes to make the relationship work, yet she still found reasons to be unhappy. I sometimes thought maybe she asks all these things of me just to see if I would really do it or not. Despite all that I stayed with her, we recently found out she was pregnant. She's not very far along just 7weeks and in that time, she has became worse. She has said several times that she didn't want the baby to see my side of the family. She also has said that she didn't need me and that if need be she would raise the baby on her own. This morning I got a call from her, she told me she was breaking up with me because SHE was unhappy with me as a boyfriend (go figure). As silly as this story sounds I really do love her and want a family with her. I just want her to stop being so crazy and controlling. I have tried talking to her about how she is it just goes in a never ending cycle. I want to be able to see my baby when it is born, but I have a fear that this girl is going to make life very hard for now for the rest of my life. If anyone has any advice on what to do it would be greatly appreciated thanksHow to make the relationship work when your girlfriend is super controlling and pregnant with your child?
this isn't something you find a simple solution for i admit that, but i also hope that you realise that you can't change her. She's trying to control you, cause she's unsure of herself. She sees an enemy in anyone you know.

Staying with someone for the sake of a kid does not always work. A frustrated parent doesn't make much of a good parent. And there's a good chance you could be one in a few years, cause with the person you described there will be constant bickering, constant fighting and constant cussing.

Things concerning the kid your having might not work as you hope or want, but keep having faith!

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